Momentum Continues for Gannon with Slew of New Endorsements for Sheriff’s Campaign
Law enforcement experience and three-point reform plan appeal to key supporters
For Immediate Release
Contact: James Gannon 973-588-5089
Boonton, Wednesday, February 24th – Republican Jim Gannon continued his momentum today by announcing new endorsements he’s received from a broad coalition of Republican leaders across Morris County attracted to his law enforcement experience and three-point reform plan for the Morris County Sheriff’s Office.
Those endorsing Gannon’s campaign today include:
Assemblyman Michael Carroll (R-25)
Freeholder Director Kathy Defillippo
Freeholder Tom Mastrangelo
Mayor Boonton Twsp. Paul Allieri
Mayor of Hanover Twsp Ron Francioli
Mayor of Kinnelon Bob Collins
Mayor of Morris Plains & Former Freeholder Frank Druetzler
Mayor of Morris Twsp. Dan Caffrey
Mayor of Roxbury Jim Rilee
Mayor of Washington Twsp Bill Roehrich
Boonton Alderman James Lynch
Boonton Alderman Dan Piccioni
Boonton Alderwoman Doris Yanez
Boonton Twsp. Committee Michele Rankin
Boonton Twsp. Commitee Thomas Donadio
Boonton Twsp. Commitee Robert A. Rizzio
Hanover Councilman Ace Gallagher
Jefferson Councilman Robert Birmingham
Mine Hill Councilman Conrad Pepperman
Morristown Councilwoman Allison Deeb
Morris Twsp. Deputy Mayor Bruce Sisler
Morris Twsp. Councilman Matheu Nunn
Mt Olive Councilman John Mania
Mt Olive Councilman John Mania
Montville Councilman Scott Gallopo
Parsippany Councilwoman Loretta Gragnani
Riverdale Councilman Brad Clinton
Riverdale GOP Will Felegi
Former Morris County Admin Jim Rosenberg
Former Mt Arlington Councilman Brian Kincaid
See 2/12 endorsements below
Gannon, whose 33-year career in law enforcement started as a police officer in Boonton and Boonton Township, and then moved on to the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, the FBI's elite Joint Terrorism Task Force and then Global Head of Security Risk at Novartis, said he was honored by the outpouring of support.
“Since we kicked off our campaign two weeks ago, the phone has been buzzing with calls, texts and emails from people eager to lend their support and energized to work on my behalf,” said Gannon. “My three-point reform plan is really resonating with people and I am eager to continue carrying our positive message countywide in the days and weeks to come.”
Gannon’s campaign platform includes:
Working with local, county, state and federal law enforcement and public safety communities to keep Morris County’s neighborhoods, schools, and businesses safe and secure, and to strengthen the county’s preparedness in light of the increased threat of terrorism.
Promote programs that help seniors identify and avoid consumer fraud, keep children safe, crack down on gangs, and combat the use and sale of illegal drugs.
Restore a productive and respectful relationship with the Freeholder Board, and recommit the Sheriff’s Office to financial accountability and responsibility in these challenging economic times.
Those endorsing Gannon’s campaign on or by 2/12 include:
State Senator Tony Bucco (R-25)
Assemblyman Anthony Bucco (R-25)
Former Assemblyman Guy Gregg
Former Asm. & County GOP Chair Dick Kamin
Current County GOP Chair John Sette (personal)
Freeholder Douglas Cabana
Deputy Freeholder Director Hank Lyon
Freeholder Deb Smith
Former Freeholder John Krickus
Former Freeholder Dave Scapicchio
Mayor of Denville Tom Andes
Mayor of Mine Hill Sam Morris
Mayor of Mount Olive Rob Greenbaum
Mayor of Mountain Lakes Peter Holmberg
Mayor of Rockaway Bor. Russell Grueter
Mayor of Wharton Bill Chegwidden
Deputy Mayor of Chatham Twp Kevin Sullivan
Boonton Twsp Committeeman Will Klingener
Denville Council President Christopher Golinski
Kinnelon Councilman Adam Barish
Mine Hill Council President Dave Bloom
Montville Councilman Frank Cooney
Mt. Lakes Councilman Doug McWilliams
Mount Olive Councilman Alex Roman
Mount Olive Councilman Greg Stewart
Mount Olive Councilman Joe Nicastro
Mount Olive Councilwoman Colleen Labow
Parsippany Councilman Michael J. DePierro
Rockaway Bor. Council President Tom Mulligan
Rockaway Twp Councilman Jeremy Jedynak
Rockaway Twp Cwm. Patty Abrahamsen
Roxbury Councilman Bob DeFillipo
Washington Township Vice Mayor Ken Short
Warren County Sheriff David P. Gallant
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