Gannon Urges Morris County Municipalities to Reject “Sanctuary City” Designation

New Sheriff says local jurisdictions that create safe havens for illegal immigrants make things more difficult for law enforcement officers

For Immediate Release
Contact: Sheriff Jim Gannon

Morristown, March 1, 2017 – In response to the growing debate in New Jersey and nationwide about so-called “Sanctuary Cities,” newly-minted Morris County Sheriff Jim Gannon urged all municipalities in his county to reject Sanctuary City designation and cited the difficulties it would create for law enforcement officers from his department and others.

“Morris County municipalities should not be publicly declaring themselves as a place where illegal immigrants can be guaranteed safe harbor from federal law enforcement officials – it’s just not right,” said Sheriff Gannon.  “I started my career as a beat cop in Boonton, and can tell you that asking local law enforcement officers to effectively ignore federal law is problematic on a number of levels and creates confusion that could adversely impact public safety.”

Gannon also said a recent proposal in Trenton would be unfair to taxpayers.  

“Moreover, recent legislation proposed by Democrats in Trenton that would seek to indemnify Sanctuary municipalities from loss of federal aid if they persist in disobeying the federal government defies all logic, and Governor Christie was right to threaten a veto if it ever reached his desk,” said Sheriff Gannon.  “In addition to the public safety issues I mentioned earlier, this proposal would create an undue and unfair tax burden on the vast majority of residents in the vast majority of New Jersey towns that are following the law.”




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