Table of Hope Annual Appeal

Table of Hope and the Spring Street Community Development Center of Morristown would like to bring awareness to their annual appeal for donations, volunteers, and needed items.

Table of Hope and the Spring Street Community Development Center of Morristown would like to bring awareness to their annual appeal for donations, volunteers, and needed items.

Table_of_Hope_Annual_Appeal_Page_1.jpg     Table_of_Hope_Annual_Appeal_Page_2.jpg

Here are ways you can assist and help from the flyer which you can download by clicking here.

From The Table of Hope and the Spring Street CDC


Ways to Give

•Call Mary Wortman at 973-998-9330 and schedule a time to volunteer- guaranteed to make you feel good and she gives great hugs!

•Write a check payable to Spring Street CDC and specify Table of Hope in the memo

•Give through PayPal @

•Payroll deduction through your employer

How You Can Help

Cash donations: With cash, we are able to purchase food and supplies and pay staff. We can buy food from the Food Bank of New Jersey at a cost that is much lower than the grocery store.

Volunteer: Our volunteers provide critical help – serving the meals, driving our van, making phone calls, general office work, small maintenance issues, and lots of other things! Email Teresa at [email protected] if you can help.

Host an Evening: Get together after work with your colleagues to serve a dinner to our guests! Our Host an Evening program provides a unique opportunity for your company to get involved while giving back to the community. Your donation of $1,000 covers the cost of opening the doors and serving all of our guests for that evening. You and your team will jump right in to get the meal on the table and you’ll see first-hand the difference your generosity makes.

Collect needed items: shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, coats, and blankets.

Leverage Your Donation: Many employers will match your donation – please check with your employer to obtain the proper forms to submit to leverage your gift.

Pledge Securities, Property, or thru Planned Giving: Remember us. If you are a supporter, please consider leaving a bequest for Spring Street CDC in your will.

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